
    UFYB 78: Resisting V. Allowing Negative Emotion

    enApril 25, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the difference between resisting and allowing emotionsTo move forward in managing emotions, allow them to be present without judgment instead of resisting, which intensifies emotional experiences and hinders personal growth

      When dealing with negative emotions, it's essential to understand the difference between resisting and allowing. Many people come to the Clutch, the online community of the Unfucked Your Brain podcast, seeking help in managing their emotions, particularly anxiety, insecurity, fear, guilt, shame, and confusion. Cara, the host, emphasizes the importance of this distinction, which she has been exploring in her own self-coaching practice. Cara explains that she had reached a thought work plateau in her romantic relationships, having made significant progress during a long-term relationship. However, as her relationship status changed, her thoughts and feelings became more complex. She realized she had been resisting certain emotions instead of allowing them to be present. By resisting, she was only intensifying her emotional experience, preventing herself from moving forward. On the other hand, allowing means acknowledging and accepting the emotions as they are, without judgment. This approach enables individuals to gain a better understanding of their emotions and learn from them, ultimately leading to personal growth and progress. Joining the Clutch community not only provides access to bonus resources and support from fellow members and coaches but also offers a safe space to practice allowing and overcoming emotional resistance.

    • Recognizing the normalcy of doubts and anxietiesIt's natural to feel doubts and anxieties during personal growth, but it's important not to let these feelings define us or derail our progress. Instead, approach them with self-compassion and keep moving forward.

      It's natural to experience anxiety and doubts when trying something new or different, especially in areas of personal growth. However, the problem often lies not in the anxiety itself, but in the beliefs we hold about it. If we believe that anxiety or doubts mean we're doing something wrong or that we're not on the right path, we may get stuck in a cycle of rumination and self-criticism. Instead, it's important to recognize that these feelings are a normal part of the process and to choose not to make them mean anything negative. By internalizing this idea, we can learn to navigate our doubts and anxieties with greater ease and confidence, just as we do in other areas of our lives where we face new challenges. In short, the key is to approach our personal growth journey with self-compassion and the understanding that it's okay to feel uncertain and to keep moving forward despite our doubts.

    • Embracing Negative Emotions During Personal GrowthAccepting negative emotions as a natural part of personal growth can help alleviate anxiety and doubt, allowing us to make progress towards our goals.

      Personal growth and evolution in any area of life can trigger negative emotions, but accepting these emotions as a natural part of the process can help alleviate anxiety and doubt. Our brains are wired to resist change and spend energy on negative emotions instead of using that energy to grow. However, acknowledging and accepting these emotions can help us move past them and make progress towards our goals. It's important to remember that negative emotions do not define our worth or indicate that something is wrong. Instead, they are a normal response to the uncertainty and discomfort that comes with growth. By embracing the discomfort and letting go of resistance, we can make significant progress in our personal and professional lives.

    • Shifting from resistance to acceptance of negative emotionsAccepting negative emotions instead of resisting them can help reduce their power and make them more manageable.

      Our relationship with negative emotions can be transformed by shifting our perspective from resistance to acceptance. Using the metaphor of a tangled necklace or a reluctant cat, the speaker explains that struggling against negative emotions only makes them more intense. Instead, allowing them to be present, even if they're not enjoyable, can help reduce their power and make them more manageable. This shift in mindset can be challenging because our brains have only ever experienced negative emotions as something to be resisted, leading us to fear the idea of accepting them. However, the speaker encourages us to trust that the experience of allowing negative emotions will be different, even if we can't yet fully imagine it. By practicing acceptance, we may find that the intensity of our negative emotions decreases, and we're better able to go about our day without being consumed by them.

    • Allow negative emotions without resistanceAllowing negative emotions without resistance is a powerful step in thought work, leading to growth and personal development. Join a support group for guidance and take the leap of faith to experience emotions fully.

      Allowing yourself to experience negative emotions doesn't mean you're giving in or that it will consume you. It's a common fear, but in reality, you might not even know what it feels like to truly experience these emotions without resistance. This is a small but powerful step in thought work, requiring a leap of faith and willingness to be wrong about the predicted doom of experiencing negative emotions. Joining a support group like The Clutch can provide valuable resources and guidance in practicing this technique. Whether you choose to do it alone or with support, the process of allowing emotions can lead to life-changing growth. To get started, consider taking the tiny leap of faith and allowing yourself to fully experience negative emotions without resistance. For more information and guidance, visit unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch.

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com