
    UFYB 67: The Struggle Bus (How to Deal with Negative Emotions)

    enFebruary 07, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Accepting Negative EmotionsLearning to accept and allow negative emotions can reduce overall emotional suffering and increase resilience.

      Allowing negative emotions to exist in your body without resistance can be a powerful step towards emotional growth. Cara, the host of Unfucked Your Brain, shared her personal experience of experiencing anxiety during a well-planned weekend, despite feeling good about her life overall. She emphasized that it's essential to remember that thought work, such as changing negative thoughts to positive ones, is only one aspect of emotional well-being. It's equally important to learn to accept and allow negative emotions to pass through us without trying to resist or change them. This can be a challenging lesson to learn and remember, as we often forget it when faced with negative emotions again. By practicing this acceptance, we can reduce our overall emotional suffering and become more resilient.

    • Recognizing the challenge of changing deeply ingrained thoughtsChanging thoughts takes time, practice, and patience. It's a process of retraining the brain and can involve periods of relief and discomfort.

      Changing your thoughts can be a step in the right direction, but it's not always a simple solution. Sometimes, we may not be able to identify the exact thought causing our emotions, or we may believe the thought so deeply that we can't imagine thinking anything else. These situations can make it challenging to change our thoughts and emotions. When we're unable to change a thought immediately, it's important to recognize that we're making progress overall, even if it doesn't feel linear. It's a process of retraining our brain's automatic thought patterns, and it takes time and practice. We may experience moments of relief as we practice new thoughts, but also periods of suffering as we work through the discomfort of changing deeply ingrained beliefs. Ultimately, the goal is to see the thought causing our suffering, understand it intellectually, and eventually believe something new that serves us better. This journey can be frustrating at times, but it's an essential part of personal growth and emotional resilience.

    • Struggling with new concepts is normalIt's natural to find learning challenging, accept the struggle, and understand emotions are part of the journey

      Struggling with new concepts and thoughts is a normal part of the learning process. It's okay to find it challenging and difficult, and it's important to acknowledge and accept this struggle rather than trying to rush the process or believing something is wrong. Thinking on purpose requires effort and energy, and it's a new skill that takes time to develop. The struggle is a natural part of the journey towards growth and change. Moreover, negative emotions are a natural and inevitable part of life. Instead of trying to get rid of them or resist them, it's helpful to think of them as passengers on the "struggle bus" that we're all riding on. By accepting and allowing ourselves to feel our emotions, we can still make progress and move forward in life, rather than getting stuck or feeling stagnant. So, embrace the struggle bus and remember that it's a normal and necessary part of the journey towards personal growth and development.

    • Embrace the struggle bus: Accept negative emotionsAccepting negative emotions is essential for energy conservation and progress. By embracing them, we can develop resilience and effectively cope with life's challenges.

      Resistance to negative emotions and trying to rush away from them only leads to exhaustion and a waste of energy. Byron Katie emphasizes that arguing with reality, or trying to change negative emotions right away, results in a losing situation 100% of the time. Instead, it's essential to accept that negative emotions are a natural part of life and learn to cope with them while still taking action. The struggle bus represents this idea – we'll encounter negative emotions, but we can still make progress and move forward. Practicing the willingness to be present with negative emotions and developing tools to cope with them is crucial, as eventually, we may encounter situations where changing our thoughts is not an option. By embracing the struggle bus, we can become more resilient and better equipped to handle life's challenges.

    • Embrace the struggle of understanding complex issuesAllow yourself to fully engage with your thoughts and emotions to gain clarity and make progress

      Allowing yourself to fully experience and engage with your thoughts and emotions, rather than trying to escape them through distractions, is essential for understanding complex issues and making progress. This doesn't mean getting stuck in indecision or dwelling on negative emotions, but rather giving your brain the space and time it needs to work through problems and gain clarity. It's important to recognize that not having all the answers or understanding something fully is a normal part of the learning process, and that your brain is capable of making connections and discovering insights when given the opportunity. So instead of trying to constantly distract yourself or numb out, embrace the struggle and trust that your mind will lead you to the solutions you seek.

    • Embrace negative emotions for deeper self-awarenessAllowing ourselves to sit with negative emotions can lead to new insights and personal growth, despite discomfort

      Embracing negative emotions instead of resisting them can lead to deeper self-awareness and personal growth. When we're stressed or overwhelmed, our brains produce cortisol and other stress hormones, which can hinder creative thinking and problem-solving. By allowing ourselves to sit with our emotions and give our brains space to process, we may discover new insights and solutions that were previously out of reach. This process can be uncomfortable at times, but it's an essential part of personal growth. As the speaker suggests, just like humans didn't invent the wheel while they were being chased by a lion, we need a safe and quiet space to think and explore new ideas. So the next time you find yourself resisting negative emotions, consider it an invitation to delve deeper into your thoughts and unlock new levels of awareness. Embracing the struggle bus can lead to amazing destinations, even if you don't know where they are yet. If you're interested in learning more about this approach, check out the Clutch's self-coaching course, which provides guidance and expert support to help you apply these concepts to your life.

    • Text your email for event detailsAttendees can save time by texting their email addresses to access event info directly on their cell phones.

      Dotcom Forward and The Clutch offer a convenient way to access event information. Instead of navigating websites or searching for emails, attendees can simply text their email addresses to a specific number to receive a link directly to the event details on their cell phones. This streamlined process saves time and eliminates the need for constant email checking or web browsing. It's a simple yet effective solution to ensure that attendees have easy access to the information they need, right at their fingertips. So, if you're planning to attend an event hosted by Dotcom Forward or The Clutch, don't forget to text your email address to 3479-3488 61 to receive the link to all the important details.

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