
    UFYB 273: Transitioning to Leadership + Navigating Office Politics: A Conversation with Jenn Deal, Annie Framand, and Jamie Lee

    enJanuary 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing Challenges for Women's Ambition and ProfessionalismCertified feminist coaches Jen, Jamie, and Annie help women overcome mindset challenges and navigate systemic oppression through coaching tools and feminist strategies, leading to more fulfilling careers.

      Women face unique challenges when it comes to ambition and professionalism in the workplace, and it's essential to address both the systemic oppression and individual mindset issues. Jen, Jamie, and Annie, three certified feminist coaches, share their experiences working with women in various industries and stages of their careers. They encounter common mindset challenges, such as anxiety, feeling stuck, and difficulty negotiating for themselves. However, they emphasize that it's not just about mindset but also about the reactions women face when they assert themselves. By combining coaching tools and feminist strategies, these coaches help women navigate office politics and relationship conflicts, ultimately leading to more fulfilling careers.

    • Seeking validation from external sources can hinder career growth for womenWomen should broaden their search for mentorship and support, focusing on personal growth rather than seeking validation from specific individuals or industries.

      Women, especially women of color, often let external validation from managers or bosses dictate their self-perception and career progression. This can be due to societal expectations and the desire for perfection, leading to a mindset challenge when seeking mentorship and allyship. However, it's important to remember that seeking validation from specific individuals or industries may not be necessary for growth. Instead, women can find support and mentorship in unexpected places and ways. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that not all mentors or allies need to look or work in the same industry or have the same background. By broadening the search for support and focusing on personal growth, women can confidently speak up for themselves and advance in their careers.

    • Navigating complex relationships in leadershipWomen leaders must remember there's no one-size-fits-all approach, seek diverse guidance, and embrace ambition despite unique challenges.

      Identity and relationships can be complex in the context of leadership. While it's important to acknowledge the value of shared experiences and identities, it's also crucial not to assume that those who don't look or identify similarly will not be supportive allies. For women specifically stepping into leadership roles, the nature of relationships can shift, particularly when leading former colleagues or friends. Navigating these new dynamics, managing performance, and dealing with perceptions of favoritism can be challenging. It's essential to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership, and seeking guidance from diverse sources can lead to valuable insights. Ambition, defined as a growth mindset and desire for achievement, can be a valuable trait for leaders, but women may face unique challenges in identifying and embracing it. Understanding these complexities and seeking support can help women thrive in leadership roles.

    • Impact of personal biases on workplace experiencesRecognize that personal biases can impact how we perceive our roles and experiences in the workplace. Challenge limiting beliefs, advocate for yourself, and get involved in informal conversations to ensure fairness and effectiveness.

      Our personal experiences and biases, whether conscious or unconscious, can significantly impact how we perceive our roles in the workplace. Jamie shared her experience of feeling excluded and believing her survival was at threat due to office politics and being the only woman and person of color in leadership meetings. She also realized that much of the workplace drama she experienced was fictional and based on her own insecurities. Through coaching, Jamie learned that she always has power and choice, and that advocating for herself and getting involved in informal decision-making processes can actually serve the greater good. This experience resonates with many of her clients, and she encourages them to challenge their beliefs and advocate for themselves in the workplace. Additionally, Jamie emphasized that informal conversations outside of formal discussions do play a role in decision-making processes, and it's essential for everyone to be included in these conversations to ensure fairness and effectiveness.

    • Waiting to be recognized in professional settings - Tiara SyndromeAdopt a proactive mindset, believe in yourself, and take initiative in professional settings for greater opportunities and growth.

      Women, particularly those in male-dominated fields, are often socialized to believe they must work hard and be rewarded, leading to a passive approach in professional settings. This mindset, referred to as "Tiara Syndrome," involves waiting to be recognized or promoted instead of actively advocating for oneself. However, this approach may not lead to long-term satisfaction or success. Instead, it's essential to adopt a proactive mindset, such as putting oneself in the room and taking initiative, even if it feels uncomfortable. This approach can lead to greater opportunities and growth. Additionally, it's important to recognize that self-worth should not be outsourced to external factors like promotions or recognition. Instead, it's crucial to believe in one's abilities and value oneself, regardless of external validation. Overall, the key takeaway is to be proactive, assertive, and confident in professional settings, rather than passive and reliant on external validation.

    • Double bind in the workplace for women: Negotiating can be seen as aggressive or bitchyWomen must decide how they want to present themselves in the workplace, focusing on advocating for themselves and reaching goals, despite societal norms and potential negative perceptions.

      Women face a double bind in the workplace, where speaking up for themselves or negotiating can result in negative consequences such as being seen as aggressive or a bitch. This is due to societal norms like patriarchy and white supremacy. However, it's important to remember that everyone perceives us differently, and there will always be varying opinions about our actions. Therefore, it's essential to decide how we want to show up in the workplace, focusing on advocating for ourselves and getting closer to our goals, regardless of other people's perceptions. Negotiation and advocacy are crucial skills, but they need to be used strategically. Start conversations early, let people know what you're working towards, and be prepared for the potential consequences. Ultimately, there's no such thing as a repercussion-free life, so choose the set of repercussions that aligns best with your goals.

    • Effective Self-Advocacy in the WorkplaceConnect your role to bigger organizational goals, approach negotiations with a service-oriented mindset, and be assertive while understanding not every negotiation will result in a positive outcome.

      Effective self-advocacy in the workplace involves a long-term strategy, connecting your role to the bigger organizational goals, and approaching negotiations with a service-oriented mindset. It's essential to remember that advocating for yourself is not about ego or making yourself seem better than others but about helping your employer make informed decisions. The energy and mindset you bring to these negotiations are crucial. Avoid approaching negotiations from a place of anxiety, shame, or defensiveness, as this can make it difficult to negotiate cleanly and strategically. Instead, be assertive and believe in your worth, while understanding that not every negotiation will result in a positive outcome. Sometimes, it may be necessary to leave a situation where your value is not recognized.

    • Advocate for yourself in the workplaceWomen in leadership need to actively communicate their value to employers for promotions and raises, rather than waiting for recognition.

      Women in leadership roles need to advocate for themselves and communicate their value to their employers. The work may not speak for itself, and even with a good manager or boss, people are busy and may not actively consider promoting or rewarding employees unless they are explicitly presented with the value they have created. It's important to learn how to effectively communicate and propose promotions or raises, focusing on the value brought to the business rather than personal qualities. Socialization may lead women to wait for recognition, but it's essential to take initiative and advocate for oneself to advance in one's career.

    • Separate personal worth from professional valueList personal contributions, consider impact, and continuously ask what's possible to advocate for value and overcome self-doubt in leadership roles

      Women should separate their personal worth from their value as an employee to avoid getting muddled up in negotiations and relationships. This can be achieved by making a list of personal contributions to an organization, considering the impact of those contributions, and continuously asking what else becomes possible as a result. Additionally, women stepping into leadership roles should remember they already have the authority and it's a journey to build relationships and trust. By focusing on these tactics, women can advocate for their value and overcome self-doubt.

    • Believe in your value as a leaderLeaders should focus on personal growth, learn from mistakes, and share achievements with team and superiors for self-esteem boost and career advancement while promoting deserving talent within the organization.

      Leaders don't need to constantly prove their worth or seek validation through their work or others' opinions. Instead, they should focus on their personal growth and confidence, learning from mistakes, and sharing their achievements with their team and superiors. This not only benefits the individual by boosting self-esteem and career advancement but also helps their team and organization by allowing them to promote and recognize deserving talent. Moreover, adopting a win-win mindset in negotiations and communication can lead to more productive and positive outcomes. Overall, it's essential for new leaders to believe in their value and share it consistently to build trust and support from their team and superiors.

    • Approaching negotiation with a focus on mutual benefitFocusing on mutual benefit in negotiation leads to better outcomes, especially when addressing gender wage gap

      Approaching negotiation situations with a mindset focused on mutual benefit and everyone's satisfaction leads to better outcomes than entering with a defensive, combative attitude. This is particularly important in addressing the gender wage gap, which disproportionately affects women, starting at the entry level. To further learn and apply these concepts, consider joining The Clutch, the podcast community for Unfuck Your Brain, where individual help, new coaching tools, and connections with like-minded individuals can be found. Jamie Lee, the host of Negotiate Your Career Growth, can be found on her podcast, Instagram (@jamieleecoach), and website (jamieleecoach.com). Annie Framand, from Jendeal Coaching, can be reached on her website (annieframand.com), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Don't forget to connect on LinkedIn, where many professionals spend their time. Join us at www.unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/theclutch to elevate your negotiation skills and change your life.

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    Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

    Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you. www.pivot-me.com/event


    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    Website: https://www.pivot-me.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia

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