
    UFYB 331: Should I Coach Myself or Should I Say/Do Something?

    enFebruary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the blocks to feeling powerful: people pleasing, perfectionism, and self-doubtJoin Cara Lowenthal's master class 'Take Back Your Power' to learn how to overcome societal conditioning and reclaim your power by understanding and addressing the three biggest blocks: people pleasing, perfectionism, and self-doubt.

      Our brains have evolved to keep us safe, but societal messages can make women feel disempowered and doubt themselves when they try to assert their power or make bold decisions. This is not uncommon, and it's not a personal failing. Instead, it's a result of societal conditioning. To help women reclaim their power, Cara Lowenthal, a Harvard lawyer turned life coach, is offering a master class called "Take Back Your Power." In this 90-minute deep dive, participants will learn about the three biggest blocks to feeling powerful: people pleasing, perfectionism, and self-doubt. By understanding why these blocks exist and how to work with the brain to overcome fear, women can create incredible results in their lives. To join the master class, which takes place on March 1st at noon, women can visit unfuckyourbrain.com/powermc or text their email to +1347-997-1784 using the code powermc.

    • Emotional responsibility: Self-coaching vs. CommunicationManaging emotions involves self-awareness, reflection, and knowing when to self-coach or communicate with others to address the root cause of a problem.

      Identifying and managing our emotions is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and responsibility. During a recent company meeting, the topic of emotional responsibility came up, as it's a core value at the organization. The team discussed how to determine when to coach oneself versus speaking up about an issue. The consensus was that while it's important to manage our thoughts, there are also situations where expressing our concerns to others can be beneficial. The author, who runs the company, emphasized that everyone makes mistakes and that the focus should be on addressing the root cause of the problem. She encourages self-reflection through her Instagram broadcast channel, where she sends positive thinking prompts, self-confidence exercises, and self-compassion messages every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of taking responsibility for our emotions and learning how to navigate both self-coaching and communication with others.

    • Reframing Self-Coaching PerspectiveSelf-coaching is an ongoing process that empowers us to decide whether to express ourselves or take action based on our coaching, not an either/or proposition.

      The notion of self-coaching being an either/or proposition between coaching oneself and communicating feelings or taking action is a misunderstanding. Instead, self-coaching should be seen as an ongoing process that enables us to decide whether to express ourselves or take action based on our coaching. The belief that there are only two types of scenarios - those requiring self-coaching and those not - is a flawed premise. This misconception stems from societal conditioning that encourages women to doubt themselves and suppress negative emotions. By reframing the question as "I will coach myself and then decide if I want to say or do something," rather than "should I coach myself or say/do something," we can expand our perspective on self-coaching and harness its full potential.

    • Explore thoughts and emotions with curiositySelf-coaching is about understanding thoughts and emotions without judgment or resistance, promoting a compassionate and non-reactive mindset.

      Self-coaching is not about suppressing emotions or changing thoughts to fit a preconceived agenda. Instead, it's about being curious and creating awareness with a neutral perspective. It's important to remember that when we're feeling distressed, trying to force ourselves to feel differently can actually make things worse. Instead, self-coaching should be seen as a way to understand our thoughts and emotions better, without judgment or resistance. By approaching self-coaching with a compassionate and non-reactive mindset, we can gain a broader perspective and make decisions that align with our values and the person we want to be. So, the next time you find yourself feeling triggered, try coaching yourself with a curious and open mind, rather than trying to suppress or change your emotions.

    • Practice self-coaching during emotionally intense momentsDuring emotionally charged situations, step back and reflect before reacting, using self-coaching as a tool for better understanding and skillful communication.

      During emotionally intense moments, instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and practice self-coaching to better understand your thoughts and emotions before deciding how to act. Self-coaching is about learning and self-discovery, not about right or wrong thinking or feeling. It's a tool to help navigate human experiences, allowing for skillful communication and decision-making. The goal is not to suppress emotions or opinions, but to approach situations from a reflective and regulated place. Self-coaching is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its utility depends on the individual's goals. The key is to remember that self-coaching is a choice, and its implementation can lead to more effective communication, understanding, and personal growth.

    • Explore self-coaching and the Feminist Self Help Society for personal growthSelf-coaching is essential for shaping thoughts, feelings, actions, and words. The Feminist Self Help Society offers individual assistance, advanced coaching tools, and a supportive community for deepening understanding of thought work and feminist mindset.

      Self-coaching is a crucial first step towards shaping our thoughts, feelings, actions, and words. The podcast discussion emphasizes the importance of introspection and personal growth, which can be further enhanced through the Feminist Self Help Society. This community offers individual assistance, advanced coaching tools, and a supportive environment to deepen your understanding of thought work and feminist mindset. It's a place to grow, connect, and engage with like-minded individuals. The Feminist Self Help Society promises to be a transformative experience, and I wholeheartedly invite you to join us at www.unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/thepsych.

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    To join The Society, click here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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    On se retrouve de suite dans le podcast 22 de J'allège mon esprit, et je vous donne rendez vous pour un peu de lecture dans l'article en lien : 


    A tout de suite :)

    J'allège mon esprit est votre rendez vous du mardi, alliant coaching et épanouissement personnel

    Nous allons ensemble, découvrir comment nos pensées peuvent transformer toute notre vie, au travers d'échanges et de concepts enrichissants.

    Je suis Julie LAPRESLE, Coach Certifiée de la Life Coach School, et je vais vous accompagner au fil des épisodes à mieux comprendre les mécanismes de notre cerveau, les croyances qui nous limitent tous au quotidien, et bien d'autres notions qui vous aideront à avancer dans votre vie et à alléger votre esprit.

    Je vous donne rendez vous sur mon site www.julielapresle.com pour des exercices pratiques hebdomadaires, et des articles en rapport avec le thème de la semaine

    Ou sur les pages Facebook et Instagram de J'allège mon esprit pour suivre l'actualité et les parutions



    Rejoignez notre groupe privé d'aide au coaching sur Facebook : www.facebook.com/groups/134642655366840/

    N'hésitez pas à partager si l'écoute vous a plu afin de diffuser au maximum ces outils et ces informations au plus grand nombre :) 

    A très bientôt


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